
Property Valuation

ASSOVIB, the Italian association of valuation companies working for banks, has been accepted by the General Assembly of TEGoVA as an observer member for the 2013-2014 term. On May 18th, in Bruges, over 70 delegates from 46 associations voted unanimously in favor of ASSOVIB’s candidature

Letter of Intent – ForVal

Forum of Valuation Companies’ Associations

As representatives of the leading associations of valuation companies, we the undersigned, have recognized the fundamental role of property valuation in the greater financial context and have set out to unite our voices in one common forum

Press Relase – February 2013

ASSOVIB, the association representing valuation companies working for banks, has signed an agreement with CCS to offer the possibility to any valuer working for an associated ASSOVIB company to attend ISO 17024 accreditated certification exams. The agreement reflects one of ASSOVIB’s main purposes, as per statute: “to promote and spread the professional culture of valuation services for mortgage loans real estate collateral and grant high quality valuation services”…

Comunicato stampa – Febbraio 2013

ASSOVIB, in qualità di rappresentante delle società di valutazione operanti per le banche, firma una convenzione con CCS per la partecipazione agli esami di certificazione accreditata ISO 17024 dei valutatori d’immobili delle rispettive società associate. La convenzione è in linea con il primo obiettivo statutario di ASSOVIB e cioè “promuovere e diffondere la cultura professionale dei servizi di valutazione dell’ambito di collateral immobiliari prestati a garanzia di richieste di finanziamenti ipotecari e la prestazione di livelli di servizio di elevato grado qualitativo nell’erogazione di servizi di Perizie”…